The pandemic has exposed the massive digital divide between the rural and urban population. With schools switching to online learning, it was quite evident that the rural children were getting left out. At the same time the rapid digitization is also creating an entirely new set of jobs for which there are not enough skilled youth. And finally, more and more of the public services are being delivered digitally and it is very important that the beneficiaries are aware as to how to consume these services in a safe and secure manner.
Create a library of digital devices in each Gram Panchayat along with broadband internet facility for beneficiaries to borrow the device and consume online services. For individual use, Android devices are provided so that users will have access to various approved Apps as required. Also, an Android TV will be setup which will enable group training / learning activity by allowing for easy Chromecast of various appsand resources directly from the internet.
With the devices preloaded with school content the students in these GPs can continue the learning as we navigate the pandemic. Content developed and curated by DSERT will be pre-loaded on these devices covering classes 4 thru 10 and can be easily accessed using GPSTEP App. Provision has been made to update the content with newer materials from within the App.
With more and more social programs by the Govt. being delivered as e-service, it is imperative that the beneficiaries not only have devices to access it but also understand how to consume these services in a safe and secure manner. To address this Sikshana Foundation has developed a Digital Literacy program which have been piloted in a few GPs.
Sikshana Foundation will take total ownership of the project and will implement the project in a phased manner. The foundation will partner with CSRs to raise the necessary funds for the Internet, Digital Devices, Monitoring Staff and the necessary software.
Govt. of Karnataka will provide the necessary logistics support at each of the selected GPs to enable the implementation of the project. This includes promoting the availability of the digital resources in the villages of the GP, assigning additional duties to the current dedicated librarian in each of the GP to manage these digital resources and providing the necessary space/infrastructure to run the Digital Device Library.
Each of the 3075 “Digital Transformation Centers” have been equipped and upgraded with the following Digital Infrastructure & Tools in phases as on date.